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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Watch your actions!

Ack! This is SUCH a scary, yet very important quote...(for me anyway). Just a quick story (I'll explain further in an upcoming blog). Recently, a friend and I came into contact with someone I wasn't very fond of. After our interaction, my friend- in not so many words- explained that she was paying close attention to my interaction with this person, and thought it to be very Christ like. I had NO CLUE she was doing this!!👀 nor did I --at that present moment-- say within my heart that I'm going to represent Christ right now (in fact, that did NOT AT ALL enter my mind whilst speaking with this person lol). I was shocked!

Alot of times we forget that everything we say and do are under a magnifying glass and has great power to influence others negatively or positively. Your behaviour can either draw others closer to Christ, or away from. What a heartache it would be if someone misses out on the Kingdom of heaven because of something YOU or I did! What a let down! Remember, our actions DO affect others, and we need to be intentional and represent Christ in ALL that we do. 

Happy Growing! 

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