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Hey guys!! 

Welcome, and thanks for visiting my blog space! First thing’s first, a little bit about myself and why I chose to blog.

I’m currently in my 20’s bordering 30…. huuuge sigh! I was born in Canada…still live in Canada. I’m Christian, Seventh Day Adventist, extroverted, love people, places and things, and most importantly helping/counselling is what I do best!

Though I’m still quite young, I have gone through A TON of experiences, and still more. Some of which are truly embarrassing, a handful I regret, and others… well… selective amnesia anyone? ๐Ÿ˜“

I’m typically a very private person. If destruction was part of my life it’s rare anyone would know; those who do, know only a select portion. I suppose throughout the years I developed trust issues??? ๐Ÿ‘€ Yikes!

This is apart of why I decided to create a blog. I noticed many friends, family members, and acquaintances somehow felt moved to share with me personal stories for the purpose of venting, and hoped to receive encouragement, motivation, and a sense of CALM. After hearing some of their stories, I felt comfortable sharing my own experiences and testimonies. What I didn’t expect to receive was the OVERWHELMING amounts of positive feedback on how my personal experiences and victories through JESUS CHRIST gave them a sense of calm and SANITY. It motivated and encouraged them to keep trusting, holding on and looking to CHRIST knowing that weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning Psalm 30:5 KJV. Through testimonies (experiences and victories) many received PEACE.

My desire is to use my personal journey filled with EXPERIENCES (some from friends & family) LESSONS, and TESTIMONIES to inspire, motivate, encourage, and draw individuals into a closer connection with Christ. Of course this means being HOT!...


Any-who, that’s it for now! I hope you guys enjoy this crazy ride I call my life/journey, and through this blog GROW in CHRIST as I grow daily. Happy Growing! And in all things, be still...


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