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Thursday 5 January 2017

Happy new year!

Today as I was scrolling through Facebook I saw this awesome quote…how fitting for this blog! During the past few days, I have noticed how often the term “Be Still” has been used. A friend had recently been faced with an extremely difficult situation, and when we spoke, her response was, “I will be still Kay… I’ll be still and let God do His work”. Immediately I had this warm feeling dash across the pit of my stomach…I could hardly contain or explain it lol. I was genuinely touched, and just marvelled at how God gave such a fitting name for this blog! That is EXACTLY what I want this blog to do…I want it to cause people to BE STILL and look to God. This past year we have all experienced various trials, difficulties, doubts and disappointments… and no doubt many times—if not all—we have attempted to take measures into our own hands forgetting to seek and truly trust God, allowing Him to take the wheel, and learn to be patient— and I mean at times painfully patient. Ugh, I feel like I’m speaking even to myself here…sigh. Our Father wants us to trust and rely upon Him as children rely upon their parents, knowing that from Him—and Him only—comes our help and our victories! Psalm 121. So let’s do this… lets truly make being still our anthem for the new year and going forward. I know I will, will you?
Happy Growing!

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