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Tuesday 17 January 2017

Relationships: Never Settle (Singleness)- Trent Shelton

Video by Trent Shelton. Visit his channel here  TrentShelton

So this week’s theme is on relationships, specifically singleness (DUN DUN DUN!!!). For some reason, being single has such a negative connotation in people’s minds, that they assume being single equals being rejected, defective, undesired, and whatever else people assume it means, which is never really the case. I’m a FIRM believer that there is someone out there for EVERYONE… (or at least most), but these negative connotations associated with singleness sometimes cause people to enter into relationships they shouldn’t enter, with people they REALLYYY shouldn’t enter one with. This video really changed my view on singleness, and gave me a deep appreciation for it. Now, I use this time to really focus on spiritual self growth (is that a phrase?) and doing work for God whilst I’m in my season of waiting (time that may be decreased when I decide to invest in a relationship). If you're single (or should be single), I hope this vid does the same for you J

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Happy Growing! And in all thing be still.


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